What happened in London?
People listened with intent. People sang along and smiled. Some people cheered. Some bought vinyl. The Finnish Church had a high ceiling, but enough wood to make it sound good. The piano was a big fella with a sound board that resonated like a big belly after Sunday dinner and keys with a high action that bounced up and down like eager hungry nashers. Katie rocked up on stage and added her heartfelt harmony to Hands Heart & Head (Vic Bamforths’s Story), we played Rainbows Never End as a prelude to guest poet Jenny Mitchell who read two deeply rich poems from her award winning collection, one of which you can see hear in this interesting video with commentary
Jenny’s performance was warmly received all of her books sold out in the break! She was amazing and lead all of us into the most peaceful of interludes.
During set two Katie Whitehouse joined us on stage for Campfire and led the audience in song – it sounded great in the church, resonating well in the wood lined room. The venue had a strict 9pm (all out) curfew, I wanted to talk to everyone more but was tasked with packing down and loading the car. Post gig my guitars pedals cables and clothes lay strewn on the floor in the alleyway as I tried to make it all fit back in the car and kind people hovered and asked if I was OK. I was OK. I was glad it wasn’t raining! I’ll miss Gustaf and Katie and felt sad it was all over. But also keen to lie down, rest and sleep.
Back at the Heathrow hotel with five hours ’til Gustaf’s flight to Brussels for his next performance. It was here that I finally ate the vegan cheese and crackers and this delightfully tangy chutney they gave us in Barton Upon Humber. Barton won the backstage rider challenge this week, a well stocked fridge and a buffet spread to inspire a rip roaring performance!
London felt hectic and intense. I’m not sure what happened – it’s hard to say exactly, so busy it passed by in a flash
I remember flirting with Carly the barmaid in the Ship and before that chatting with Mitch perched on a wall smoking a cigarette as I loaded out. I remember congested traffic. Carly said I’d be fine to drink a glass of red and drive, but my body told me otherwise and I took one sip and left it, Mitch said he loved my voice but didn’t watch the show.
Eleanor, our Tuned In host and wonderful promoter made carrot soup which looked delicious, but I didn’t get time to eat – maybe next time!
I did find time for yoga just before the show in a very cool air conditioned upstairs space that doubled as a creche in the daytime, perhaps that explains why this random piece of Lego ended up in my luggage (I just wrote the address on the Jiffy bag and will send it back) I’m trying to focus on these characters and filter out the memories of congested traffic as we crawlecd through city streets.
Photo: Paul Ward