I had a great chat with Songwriting Magazine.
I didn’t see it coming! But glass has emerged as a recurring theme in my songwriting in recent years. With hindsight, I can say it all began with a song co-written with John Patrick Elliott on my Dreamland Tomorrow release (2020, Reveal Records). That song, Glass, explores glass as a metaphor for mental health – fragility, transparency, the way light passes through but can also distort.
The real momentum for glass as a theme gathered with two albums: The Glass Age – my commentary on how we’ve adopted the glass screens of our digital communication devices as part of the family – and Voices From The Cones, about the history of glassmaking in Stourbridge, near my hometown of Wolverhampton in the Midlands (a collaboration with Story John).
These projects allowed me to delve deep into the history, craft, and human stories intertwined with this remarkable material.
Read all about it (below) and come to October’s A Night Of Glass Gigs w/ Gustaf Ljunggren – Musik on 2/3/4th – Midlands Arts Centre – MAC, The Ropewalk, Barton upon Humber and Tuned In London TICKETS HERE