I am standing to be elected as a member of the Executive Committee of the Musicians’ Union for the Midlands region because I believe this is a pivotal moment in history, and the MU needs to use its voice to support its members and musicians more strongly.

Please share this with any Midlands MU members you know.

This statement below outlines my intentions and ethos and what I would push for should I be elected. If you are a Midlands Musicians’ Union member then I invite you to read this and consider trusting me with your vote.

As musicians we are used to walking the tight rope of our existence, but the current situation is unsettling for even the most skilled acrobats in our community. Brexit, Covid, and the energy crisis, has meant many have already had to give up their craft and find other work to pay their bills. Too many are already down to a part-time situation.

This is not good for the community, for the arts culture within our beautiful country, it’s not good for our kids, it’s not good for the self-esteem of musicians, and it’s not good for the spirit.
I would use my voice on the EC to push for a better offer for members, not just from the Government, but also to improve Labour’s inadequate response to the crisis we find ourselves in. I want to see the Union better address the threat to music teachers struggling on zero hours contracts, and to fight for proper funding for musicians – for creative projects so that we can prosper and thrive, not just so we can merely struggle along to meet quickly rising living costs.

It was clear in the General Secretary election earlier this year that the voice of the left was well represented getting half of the votes cast, but now we are seemingly muted and ignored. Not much has changed despite the huge threat to our livelihoods.

Your vote for me would be a step towards rebalancing this. I do not underestimate the scale of the support required and how difficult it will be to gain Government support for our sector. Musicians in the UK face unprecedented challenges right now, and over the next few years.

Please urgently dig out your ballot paper and give me a chance to voice my support for grass roots musicians as the ballot closes very soon.

Thank you.

Official Statement on MU site – Dan Whitehouse

The role of the MU is to listen to the needs, problems and ambitions of musicians. I want us to get better at communicating this message, and to support an increase in membership. I believe we are stronger together: working as a cohesive group within wider society we can really make a difference to the lives of musicians who can often feel isolated.??

I’m 43, a father and a full time musician and songwriter, based at my own studio in Dudley and touring frequently.

My work has been placed in the media, and I’ve released 7 albums, most recently a song cycle about the glass making community in Stourbridge ‘Voices From The Cones’.

I deliver songwriting workshops and mentoring for songwriters in person and online.My qualifications include a 1st Class Hons Commercial Music from Westminster University & two PG Cert qualifications in music education.