Dear all,
Thank you for visiting my tiny patch on the web. Next week i’m doing a 30 minute solo set at the Nursery Tavern, 38 Lord Street, Chapel Fields, Coventry, CV5 8DA.
The event is curated by a lovely lady called Elaine, and comes my way highly recommended from other Midlands writers Chris Tye and Stylusboy.
I’m on stage at 8:45pm, it’s free admission and it’d be great to see some familiar faces.
James Barnett has finished editing some of the footage from December 15th Birmingham Conservatoire full band show, view here.
Producer Michael and I are now taking a few weeks rest from recording, to allow our ears to reset and to allow him time to go play keyboards and guitar on tour with the rather magnificent Andy Burrows.
In March we plan to get stuck into mixing the record, and I hope to have the first run of CDs ready to sell on my own UK tour dates in April and May
I have a title for the record, it’s been with me from the start. Not sure I want to tell you what it is yet though, as I keep having flings with other ideas, and that whole process is quite fun in itself!
See you soon,